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Impacting Education: Journal for Transforming Professional Practice (IE) is CPED's peer-reviewed academic journal.

This online, open-source journal seeks to provide a forum where academics and practitioners alike may publish scholarly articles that meaningfully contribute to the improved preparation of PK-20 educational leaders through the examination of the development, redesign, and improvement of professional preparation programs as well as the outcomes of such programs including the skills, knowledge, dispositions, and impact of EdD program graduates.

As such, scholarship generated in IE will have strong implications for the management and policies of schools of education, their EdD programs and the research, teaching, and learning of their faculty and students.

IE publishes research articles, dissertation in practice research articles (see section policies for special note), essay manuscripts and book reviews of works that support the preparation of educational leaders. The free open-access journal is hosted by the University of Pittsburgh.

Get Published in Impacting Education 

The Impacting Education editorial board accepts manuscripts for review year-round. For more information about submitting manuscripts or reviewing for the journal, click here.

If you are interested in serving as a Reviewer for Impacting Education, please apply using this LINK.

Editors in Chief of Impacting Education

Dr. Rhonda Jeffries is Program Coordinator and Professor for the Curriculum Studies Program at the UnivRhonda Jeffries headshotersity of South Carolina. Dr. Jeffries teaches courses on curriculum and diversity in education, staff development and qualitative research methods.

Dr. Jeffries' research explores school desegregation and de-tracking, equity pedagogies, and performance theory in education. She is editor/author of Queen Mothers: Articulating the Spirit of Black Women Teacher-Leaders and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity in Contemporary Higher Education; senior co-editor of the journal, Education in a Democracy; and has guest edited for Western Journal of Black Studies, School-University Partnerships, and Impacting EducationShe is an active member serving in leadership capacities with the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) and the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED). 


Dr. Suha R. Tamim is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Curriculum Studies program in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina. Previously, she taught at the University of Memphis in the Instructional Design and Technology program and at the American University of Beirut in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Suha Tamim headshot

In her present role, Dr. Tamim advises students on the Dissertation in Practice and collaborates with faculty on the continuous improvement of the program. Previously, she served as co-book review editor and editorial assistant for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning. She currently serves as co-editor for an edited volume published by Routledge. Dr. Tamim is an active member in the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate and in the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. 


Editorial Team

  • Samantha Cohen, American University. Bio.
  • Enda Donlon, Dublin City University. Bio.
  • Christine Harrington, Morgan State University. Bio.
  • Eric Houck, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Bio.
  • Joy Howard, Appalachian State University. Bio.
  • Sherisse Jackson, University of South Carolina. DiP Award Winner Video.
  • Leslie Leach, Tarleton State University. Associate Dean Press Release.
  • Joe McNabb, Northeastern University. Bio.
  • Phillipa Myers, Western University. Bio.
  • Christine Nganga, George Washington University. Bio.
  • Marjorie Ringler, East Carolina University. Bio.
  • Rishi Raj, Texas A&M University. Alumni Spotlight.
  • Rosaisela Rodriguez, UC Davis. Bio