Membership RequirementsWhile CPED is providing a structure for this effort and some initial ideas to spark discussion, the member programs and their education schools are defining the content and direction of the efforts to improve their own education doctorate. By joining the consortium, member programs and their education schools are demonstrating a commitment to the core mission of CPED— to strengthen, improve, support, and promote the CPED Framework© through continued collaboration and investigation in order to build a stronger and more relevant degree for the advanced preparation of school practitioners, clinical faculty, academic leaders, and professional staff for the nation’s schools and colleges and the learning organizations that support them and to the CPED Framework©.
In addition to reforming the Education Doctorate, member programs and their education schools commit to empirically investigating their reform efforts and to: (1) transparently share what they have learned with the consortium, (2) invite and use critical review, and (3) expect others to build on what they have learned.
Institutional Leadership The member programs and their education schools will designate a faculty member to serve as the Delegate to the CPED initiative. This person will ideally serve as the institutional representative at all CPED events, relaying information between the member programs, their education schools, and the CPED consortium. This person will generally be a key member in the institution’s EdD redesign. Resources and Support The member education school will provide resources and support for the redesign of its Education Doctorate and participation in the CPED Consortium. Such support will include: payment of annual membership dues, travel funds to attend annual convenings, additional supports that will allow the CPED Delegate to participate in CPED on behalf of the institution, and might include a graduate assistant for the CPED Delegate, and support for redesign of EdD program at home campus Data CollectionThe CPED leadership team will regularly request data from all member programs and their education schools. Such data may include faculty size, doctoral cohort size, time to degree, attrition rates, degree program structure and requirements, teaching and advising load for faculty, career plans and placement of graduates, as well as more in-depth data about, and description of, the redesign process and its utilization of the CPED Framework. Programs and their education schools will be responsible for collecting requested data, providing them to CPED leadership, and answering questions that may be necessary to clarify the data and their comparability across member programs and education schools. Information Sharing In the spirit of collaboration, member programs and their education schools will share insights and lessons learned within the CPED consortium. In addition, member institutions will serve as “critical friends” to one another, providing constructive feedback to colleagues’ program designs in an effort to ensure the highest quality education doctorate degree programs. Evidence of Progress Member programs and their education schools will provide CPED with evidence that the institution has worked towards implementing the CPED Framework in order to create a record from which others can learn. Evidence of deliberations and resulting experiments can take a variety of forms (e.g., survey studies, cases, improvement efforts, self-studies, action research). This evidence should flow naturally from change efforts and further the work of the member programs and their education schools. It is not intended to create a time-consuming administrative artifact or an evaluation. The CPED leadership team will prompt for evidence on an annual basis and will provide guidelines to assist member programs and their education schools to easily provide requested evidence. Pre-Convening Orientation The CPED Delegate, and any other institutional representatives who wish to join, will participate in one on-line or in person orientation to take place before attendance at their first convening. This orientation will foster a better understanding of CPED membership. Its accompanying materials will complement the orientation and assist new members in understanding the history, mission, goals, and design-concepts of CPED. Participation in Convenings and Other Events Member programs and their education schools must be willing to send at least two representatives to the annual convenings. These representatives will be chosen by the member programs and their education schools. Ideally, the representatives should be key participants on the redesign team (including the CPED Delegate) within the education school. Registration fees, travel, and housing expenses associated with the convenings will be borne by the member education school. Convening registration fees include some meals and meeting space. Commitment to Engage and ChangeCPED membership requirements are outlined below. Upon admission, new members sign the Commitment to Engage and Change.This shared understanding is aimed at clarifying the interests of participants and will form the basis of on-going relationships of mutual trust and benefit. This commitment to engage and change contains three parts: mutual commitments, commitments by the CPED Consortium, and commitments by member programs and their host education schools Please review this Commitment to be sure your institution is willing and able to engage in this manner.Note: Membership is by institution, not by program. All EdD programs at the institution are considered members if admitted. Institutional and Program RequirementsINSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTSApplying institutions must be: a) a not-for-profit institution, b) accredited by a U.S. regional accrediting agency and in good standing or for non-U.S. institutions, an equivalent evaluative body will be accepted, c) operating an Education Doctorate (EdD) program or have necessary approvals to design and implement a professional doctoral program housed within a school, college, or department of education. Institutions must also demonstrate that they have necessary resources, including:
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTSProgram must be housed within a school, college, or department of education and be committed to the CPED Framework©.
ACTIVE PARTICIPATIONMember programs are expected to actively engage in the CPED consortium by:
MEMBERSHIP FEEAn annual fee will be charged to each member institution upon acceptance and every year thereafter. The current annual membership fee is $2,500 USD. APPLICATION FEE:$300 USD (non-refundable) |