Hosted by Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA
October 22-24, 2025
Click HERE for Registration Information for the 2025 CPED Convening.

What is a CPED Convening?

The signature activity of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate is a “Convening.” The term is meant to convey:

  • These meetings are different from traditional conferences, and
  • The central feature is coming together to learn and share.

Key Features That Make a Convening Unique:

Idea Centered: Proactive ideas are always at the heart of a CPED convening as a starting point for conversations that might have otherwise turned rapidly to the logistical or political. 

Mix of Pedagogies: We attempt to utilize a mixture of formats, including large group sessions, campus teamwork time, structured small groups, networking, presentations, and social occasions. 

Multiple Voices: CPED convenings are deliberately structured to include many opportunities for participants to engage with one another and with the central themes of the meeting, and so it is important that everyone be able to participate fully.

Unstructured Conversations: We seek to provide many opportunities to mix participants and allow for making professional and personal connections.

High Expectations: CPED sets high expectations and asks each convening participant complete “pre-work” (assignments that relate to the convening theme) in advance of attending the convening.

Critical Friends: In CPED, the role of critical friends is to support and empower each other by demonstrating a positive regard for people and providing an informed critique of processes and practices (Swaffield, 2005). To this end a set of Convening Norms of Engagement have been established by our members to foster this unique environment.

Professional Development for Faculty

Convenings offer members the following types of professional development sessions:

Learning Exchanges: Break out sessions that provide members the opportunities to both lead learning exchanges and have the option to select among sessions that will be beneficial to their home campus work.

 Full Consortium Exchanges: All members come together to work on developing CPED ideas as well as address CPED governance issues.

Agendas and Resources from Previous Convenings

CPED members may download and view agendas from previous convenings. Many resources from convening exchanges are archived in our Resource Center. Find an exchange you would like to know more about? Type the title into our website search bar to find the exchange in our Resource Center.