CPED Improvement Groups (CIGs)

Members talking at a convening table

In an effort to enhance CPED as a Knowledge Forum on the EdD, we offer the opportunity for members to develop CPED Improvement Groups (CIGs).

CIGs are a combination of Special Interest Groups (SIGs)—organized groups with research specialties that increase the exchange of knowledge, and Networked Improvement Communities (NICs) – a colleagueship of expertise building on the hard work and creativity of many.

In CPED, CIGs will consist of groups of members who share a common interest in specific topics, contexts, or components of EdD program design and who want to learn about and develop strategies for improving best practices. Such learning and improvement will support the CPED mission “to strengthen, improve, support and promote the CPED framework through continued collaboration and investigation.”

Given this definition, CIGs collaborate for at least one year and aim to accomplish:

  • Focused, cross-institutional learning about specific topics, contexts or components that relate to CPED-influenced EdD program development and delivery and the CPED Framework (EdD definition, principles for program design and design-concepts);
  • Development of best practices, tools and resources to support member learning;
  • Use of research to determine effects;
  • Dissemination and promotion of what is learned including publications, presentations, etc.

Current CIG Opportunities

To join any of the CIGs:

  1. Log into your CPED account.
  2. Next, click My Profile, and then click Edit Profile
  3. Scroll down, and you will see the option to add yourself to a CIG. 
  4. Finally, click Save Profile.

Artificial Intelligence CIG 
Artificial Intelligence has the power to transform the way students learn, how faculty teach and how institutions operate. The new Artificial Intelligence CIG is looking for people interested in exploring the impacts of personalized learning, predictive analytics and automated grading and how AI can generate educational content and accelerate the pace of academic research.

Dissertation in Practice CIG
Many CPED Dissertations in Practice (DiP) follow a 5-chapter model and as a CIG we are interested in exploring, discovering, and sharing exemplars, and/or inviting heuristics which will define new modes and models of scholarship and research in practice. 

EdD Programs for Social Justice CIG
The Social Justice in EdD Programs CIG seeks to address issues of inequity and build knowledge in this relatively new area of the field. 

Improvement Science CIG
In recent years, new approaches have emerged for equipping practitioners with the skills to engage in user-centered continuous improvement toward the dual educational goals of excellence and equity. The Improvement Science CIG supports the inclusion of improvement science and/or design-based improvement methods in EdD curricula as a signature pedagogy.

Online/Hybrid CIG
The Online/Hybrid CIG is a community of practice – a space for CPED members to explore ways in which online and hybrid learning platforms and practices can best meet the needs of their EdD scholarly practitioners.

If you are interested in starting a new CPED Improvement Group, have a look at our CIG description and application process.