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Q: What is the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED)?

A: The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) is a network of over 145 colleges and schools of education in the United States and Canada dedicated to improving the Doctor of Education (EdD) degree. Established in 2007, CPED helps institutions redesign their EdD programs to better prepare advanced practitioners and educational leaders for real-world challenges.

Q: How does CPED support EdD programs?

A: CPED provides a framework for program improvement that includes a new definition of the EdD, guiding principles for program development, and design concepts that shape curriculum and instruction. This framework helps schools of education create high-quality, practice-focused EdD programs.


Broad and diverse membership is central to CPED’s success. Annually, CPED invites schools and colleges of education from around the world to join its 135+ member institutions in the work of transforming the EdD into the professional practice doctorate in education. Through professional development opportunities and a wide range of resources, CPED member institutions and their faculty learn to redesign their EdD programs to better serve practitioners. Benefits of membership include a professional development network that supports schools and colleges of education in EdD program design, annual Convenings, virtual events, resources to access national data, opportunities for collaboration and publication.


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 Our Book Series: The Coming of Age of the Education Doctorate

The mission of The Coming of Age of the Education Doctorate series is to present volumes of research and work focused on the redesign of the Education Doctorate (EdD) and the past 16+ years that faculty and schools of education around the US and the world have made to professionalize this degree for the advanced preparation of educational practitioners. Specifically, this series will highlight efforts to enhance and enrich the purpose, curriculum, and milestone experiences in the EdD in addition to highlighting the work of those who have graduated from redesigned EdD programs. If you are interested in submitting a book proposal, please review the call here.