EdD Programs for Social Justice CIGAbout Our CIGCPED GUIDING PRINCIPLE #1: The Professional doctorate in education is framed around questions of equity, ethics, and social justice to bring about solutions to complex problems of practice.Today’s harmful neoliberal education movement, rising poverty levels, and massive demographic shifts are exacerbating the historically entrenched inequalities reproduced by our educational institutions. Within this context, preparing educators to fight for social justice in K-12 systems, community college settings, and beyond is more important than ever. However, variable or vague understandings of social justice, differential levels of commitment, and other obstacles often mean that the idea of social justice stays at the level of discourse in EdD programs rather than being operationalized in purposeful, impactful ways. The Social Justice in EdD Programs CIG, founded by Katie Strom at CSU East Bay and Kofi Lomotey at Western Carolina University, seeks to address these issues and build knowledge in this relatively new area of the field. Our understanding of a social justice agenda in education includes:
We proposed three activities to be initiated in year one to build an understanding of the ways that CPED institutions conceptualize social justice as it relates to preparation for the professional education doctorate and how that conception is translated or operationalized into action in their programs. These activities include:
To join this CIG:
Joy Howard, Appalachian State University Reginald Wilkerson, College of William and Mary Christine Nganga, George Washington University |