Dissertation in Practice (DiP) CIG
The DiP CIG seeks members who are interested in reimagining the CPED dissertation genre. Many CPED dissertations follow a 5-chapter model, and as a CIG, we are interested in exploring, discovering, and sharing exemplars, and/or inviting heuristics which will define new modes and models of scholarship and research in practice.
Our CIG efforts seek to address points or issues such as (but not limited to):
Exploring and sharing new models, exemplars, and approaches that reimagine the dissertation in practice, helping us to consider ways of engaging research that diverges from or even dismantles traditional models, practices, and output.
Considering actionable points or examples of how EdD programs can build in program-wide or systemic supports that allow faculty and students to engage in reimagined models of the dissertation in practice.
Exploring and discussing new possibilities and strengths (e.g., promoting equity of opportunity, encouraging new knowledge, skills, or dispositions, etc., among others) that emerge from reimagined dissertation in practice models.
Sharing potential barriers that can occur in engaging in different models of scholarship and engaging actionable approaches to breaking through or dissembling those.
These are representative but not exhaustive of the possibilities for the DiP CIG. We aim to widely seek relevant work that connects to what it might mean to reimagine existing dissertation models or research approaches and ways of knowing. Through this CIG, we aim to engage in building a more diverse, creative, and comprehensive understanding of the dissertation in practice and what it might be or become.
To join this CIG:
- Log into your CPED account.
- Next, click My Profile, and then click Edit Profile.
- Scroll down, and you will see the option to add yourself to a CIG.
- Choose the CIG(s) you'd like to join.
- Finally, click Save Profile.
Amy Markos, Arizona State University
Danah Henriksen, Arizona State University